Casino Games

Accept the Royal Challenge: Play Blackjack Online

Blackjack online has long been one of the most popular games. It started out hundreds of years ago and was played physically around a table. It’s only in the last twenty years or so that blackjack has become an online sensation. Online blackjack combines the basic elements that make gaming fun.

There’s the entertainment value; card games have been around for millennia because we all enjoy them. Online blackjack gives our intellect a good workout. We have to make many decisions and often. The decisions are not always as easy to see as one might expect.

Blackjack has the ability to sharpen our wits, to see the trees for the forest, to build up our self-confidence. There is even some evidence that online games like blackjack can reduce the impact of such problematic conditions as dyslexia.

Card Counting

Professional gamblers are well aware of the card counting schemes that almost broke Las Vegas. Card counting has long been one of the primary strategies for blackjack. It’s pretty obvious that one should count the cards in blackjack; we do the same in parlour card games like rummy and pinochle. The card counting schemes that were so successful were a degree of difficulty beyond the ken of most everyone who isn’t a mathematical genius at MIT!

Winning at Blackjack

So, how does the average player beat the house in blackjack online? Well, the answer lies in what is known as due diligence when we’re trying to make big life decisions such as career, where to live, whom to marry and so on. Due diligence in blackjack means five basic rules of thumb: thoroughly knowing the variation you’re playing, staying calm at all times, enjoying the game, playing to have fun, and stopping when you’re tired or bored. It’s okay to say that, after an hour, you got bored. If you really love blackjack, you’ll be ready to play again in a day or two.

Help is on the Way

In addition, here are a few do nots to increase your winning chances by omitting losing habits or practices.

  • Never drink while playing. Land-based casino’s love to ply their players with drinks. One drink will lower your ability to think clearly, two will go much further in getting you to make poor decisions. So, when you’re playing at home, play until you’re ready for that drink and then stop playing!
  • Never make your next decision based solely on your cards. Learn all about observing the dealer’s card and deciding based on that information.
  • Never follow a betting system. They’ve been debunked again and again and pop up again and again. Betting systems do not work. Observation and deduction do work.
  • A corollary of the above is never bet progressively. If you do so, you’ll surely lose much more over time than if you stayed with a sound betting plan.
  • This leads to possibly the most important advice: never bet money you can’t afford. This means never bet money that you can’t safely earmark for purely entertainment. At bottom, online blackjack or any game played online should properly be seen as entertainment.
  • Never believe in hot streaks or cold streaks. Over time, you’ll win and you’ll lose. If you play well, the total amount that you’ll win or lose over time will be about 1% of the money you’ve bet.
  • Play online blackjack with single decks or two decks. Also try to play multiplayer games. When you play several hands, you can count cards much better than if you’re playing one hand in a game that is reshuffled after each hand.
  • Never take insurance. This ranks with betting systems as something that is regularly debunked by professionals, in this case statisticians, and is now well known as a losing bet over time.

You’ll find that playing blackjack online is simply a wonderful way to pass the time and stay sharp doing so!

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